Friday, September 24, 2010

Kaplan Academy of washington Week 3

Lovin every minute of kaplan it's so much fun and i have great grades so far. SO FAR LOVIN EVERY MINUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


This can be for anyone, But I am mainly making this for colleges.

I wanted to let you know what i am thinking about doing for a living. I know your probally thinking she's in the 8th grade and only 13 years old she shouldn't know what she wants to do.
But... I do I've known for 5 years. I want to be a pediatric oncologist. I bet a lot of you know what that is, It's a doctor who deals with kids who have cancer. I love kids and i want to help find a cure for cancer. And will I'm studing for oncology i want to work part time as a doctor for all ages or a practitioner. I will post more but for now good bye!!

Kaplan Academy of washington

This is the school im going to in the 8th grade. Im taking Algerbra 1, Spanish 1, Geometry, 8th Grade Science, 8th grade lanuage arts, And 8th grade Socail Studies/ U.S. History.

I love this school it's the best school it's not for everyone but it's diffently for me. You have to be modeavated and self confident. And you have to be able to be socaial because it can get boring being alone but you can make it fun. Follow me here on this website on how i do at this school.